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Injecting Vitality into the Strategy
Studying current and past marketing collaterals can be an afterthought for most organizations. Returning to former brand sentiments and reutilizing them in new ways and through modern mediums is an example of how we use your marketing inventory.
With more sophisticated tools and mediums to reach your target audience, we have to assess your marketing inventory for opportunities to revise, reorient, or repurpose assets, including in web design. Optimizing your collaterals for the channels they travel through can lead to greater impact. Our audit can suggest changes to your organizational positioning and make adjustments to inject vitality into the brand and marketing strategy.
We Study Your Inventory
Organizations accumulate an extensive library of marketing materials over their lifespan. We believe revisiting transitions and progressions of brand expressions and marketing strategies can inspire sharper language and effective methods for the next campaign, and the brand’s next chapter. We review the following resources to find new avenues:
Historical brand variants
Brand guides
Tagline iterations
Logomark designs, logotypes
Product and service versions
Patents, trademarks, copyrights
Communication documents and literature
Transactional documents
Presentation materials
Operational documents
Literature of products and services
Ad campaigns
Media pieces
Investor relations collaterals
Financial reports
Presentation documents
Social Media channels
Website and apps
Digital assets
Blogs and forums
Online forms
Email templates
Staff newsletters
Company-branded merchandise
Store layouts
Convention stands