Spam links: challenges they create for marketing managers, diagnoses & fixes


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“Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.”

Maya Angelou
Author and Civil Rights Activist


Unexpectedly, when you least anticipated it, during the routine of a typical workday while diligently analyzing various work-related aspects, you stumble upon sudden and suspicious changes; we were under negative SEO attacks. We noticed many backlinks with suspicious keywords as anchor links. These suspicious activities could ultimately jeopardize our ranking and would be a devastating blow to our reputation and bottom line. We were astonished as we have been highly committed to ethical practices. It was difficult to fathom such behavior from others.

In the subsequent discussion, we will delve into the world of suspicious backlinks – what they are, how you can find them, and their effects on your search engine rankings. Then, we will discuss proper ways to address this issue effectively.

What are suspicious or spam links?

Backlinks are links that originate from one website and point to another. They are essentially connections from one webpage to another on the internet. When a website links to another, it’s seen as a vote of confidence or a reference from one site to another. However, suspicious backlinks are links pointing to your website that raise red flags due to their questionable nature or origin. These links are typically considered low-quality or potentially harmful to your website’s SEO and reputation.

Here are some characteristics that may make a backlink spam:

  • Unnatural Anchor Text: Spam backlinks often use irrelevant or overly optimized anchor text that doesn’t naturally fit into the content. They might contain keyword stuffing or exact-match keywords.
  • Low-Quality Source: Backlinks from websites with poor content, low domain authority, or a history of spammy behavior are suspicious. Such sites might include link farms, gambling, adult content, or other low-reputation websites.
  • Irrelevant Content: If a backlink is placed within content that has no relevance to your website’s topic or industry, it can raise suspicions. For example, a link to a health website within an unrelated tech blog.
  • Link Velocity: A sudden influx of numerous backlinks over a short period can be suspicious. Natural link-building usually occurs gradually, so an abrupt spike might indicate manipulation.
  • Footer ad Sidebar Links: Backlinks placed in website footers, sidebars, or sitewide elements can be seen as spammy, especially if they appear on unrelated websites.

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What are the effects of spam links?

Suspicious or Spammy backlinks, also known as low-quality or toxic backlinks, can be detrimental to a website’s ranking and reputation in several ways:

  • Penalties: Search engines, notably Google, penalize websites with spammy backlinks. This can lead to a drop in rankings or even removal from search results.
  • Loss of Trust: Spammy backlinks can erode the trustworthiness of your website. Users may be wary of clicking on links from your site, impacting your credibility.
  • Negative Impact on User Experience: If your website is associated with spammy or irrelevant websites, it can result in a poor user experience and high bounce rates.
  • Keyword Ranking Manipulation: Some spammy backlinks are created to manipulate keyword rankings artificially. Search engines are vigilant in detecting such tactics and take action against them.
  • Algorithm Updates: Search engines regularly update their algorithms to identify and devalue spammy backlinks. Websites that rely on such links may see their rankings fluctuate with each update.

What is the proper and fixed way to address spam backlinks?

Now that we have a comprehensive understanding of the suspicious backlinks and their impacts. let’s delve into our experience and the strategic approach we undertook to address the issue.

When we initially stumbled upon the presence of spammy backlinks during our analysis, we were unequivocally convinced that this was the result of external interference. None of our team members had resorted to such unethical practices to boost our website’s ranking artificially. To verify this assumption, we meticulously followed the following steps:

  • Team Consensus: We initiated a comprehensive discussion within our SEO team, and we were unanimously convinced that we were indeed the targets of an external attack.
  • Thorough Link Examination: We reevaluated the status of these links using three distinct tools – Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Ubersuggest – across multiple time intervals. This process was conducted meticulously, and the consistent results reinforced our suspicions. Additionally, we manually inspected some websites, discovering traces of our link within the source code on specific sites while others remained unaffected.
  • Advanced Link Sorting: Employing diverse sorting criteria such as anchor text, domain authority, and nofollow attributes, we systematically filtered through our links to ensure that no traces of spammy backlinks remained.
  • Competitor Analysis: Our examination extended to direct competitors. Some websites were competing for similar rankings based on similar keywords. Interestingly, we observed that some of them, like us, are affected by spammy backlinks, while others remained unscathed. This disparity underscored the deliberate nature of the attack and actually guided us toward the only competitor who did not have it. Do you think they were the ones behind the attack? Should we publicly humiliate them? Let us know what we should do. Email your suggestions to, we are genuinely interested.
  • Disavowal and Mitigation: Upon establishing the nature of the spam links, we meticulously cataloged them and compiled them into a disavow file, ensuring they would no longer influence our SEO efforts.
  • Ongoing Vigilance: To safeguard against any resurgence of spam links, we diligently monitored our backlinks daily for three weeks, verifying their removal and guarding against the addition of new spammy links.

This comprehensive approach allowed us to mitigate the impact of spammy backlinks while upholding our commitment to ethical SEO practices

In addition to monitoring backlinks, what proactive measures do we recommend for businesses to protect themselves against future spam link attacks and maintain their search engine rankings?

To protect against future spam link attacks and maintain search engine rankings, businesses can implement several proactive measures:

  1. Regular Backlink Audits: Conduct regular audits of your backlink profile to identify and disavow any spammy or low-quality backlinks. Use tools like Google Search Console, Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Moz to monitor your backlinks and identify any suspicious patterns.
  2. Quality Content Creation: Focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that provides value to your audience. Quality content naturally attracts organic backlinks from authoritative websites, reducing the reliance on potentially harmful spam links.
  3. Natural Link Building: Instead of actively soliciting backlinks from questionable sources, prioritize natural link building through outreach, guest blogging, and partnerships with reputable websites in your industry. Building relationships with influencers and thought leaders can also result in valuable backlinks.
  4. Strict Linking Policies: Establish clear guidelines for internal and external linking practices within your organization. Educate your team about the importance of ethical linking practices and the risks associated with spammy backlinks.
  5. Website Security Measures: Implement robust security measures to protect your website from hacking attempts and malicious attacks. Regularly update your website’s software, plugins, and security protocols to prevent unauthorized access and exploitation.
  6. Monitor Website Performance: Keep a close eye on your website’s performance metrics, including traffic, rankings, and conversion rates. Monitor any sudden fluctuations or anomalies that could indicate a spam link attack or other malicious activity.
  7. Stay Informed About SEO Trends: Stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends, algorithm updates, and industry best practices. Subscribe to reputable SEO blogs, attend webinars, and participate in forums to stay informed and adapt your strategies accordingly.
  8. Engage in Online Reputation Management: Actively monitor online mentions of your brand and promptly address any negative reviews, comments, or mentions. Maintain a positive online reputation to mitigate the impact of any negative SEO tactics employed by competitors or malicious actors.
  9. Regularly Review SEO Strategy: Continuously review and refine your SEO strategy to adapt to changing search engine algorithms and industry dynamics, including the integration of AI technologies. As the future of SEO increasingly intersects with AI advancements, it’s essential to leverage machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to gain insights into user intent, optimize keyword targeting, and enhance content strategies. Regularly reassessing keyword targeting, on-page optimization, and content strategies with AI-driven analytics tools allows businesses to stay ahead of the curve and maintain competitiveness in search rankings. By embracing AI technologies, businesses can unlock new opportunities for optimization and automation, leading to improved search visibility, user engagement, and overall performance in the evolving digital landscape.


Challenges it creates for marketing managers

When search engine rankings take a hit, it can be a tough situation for marketing managers, especially if search engines are a major source of leads or sales. Here’s a breakdown of the marketing manager challenges they might face in simpler terms:

  • Less Website Visitors: Lower rankings mean fewer people find your website through search engines. That’s like having fewer customers walking into your physical store if you’re not visible on the street.
  • Tougher Competition: If your competitors maintain or improve their rankings, they get more attention from potential customers. It’s like your rival stores having better locations with more foot traffic.
  • Reduced Sales and Conversions: With fewer people coming to your website, it’s harder to turn them into paying customers. It’s similar to having fewer shoppers in your store, which can lead to lower sales.
  • Spending More on Ads: To compensate for the drop in organic traffic, you might have to spend more money on paid advertising, like online ads. It’s like paying extra for billboards or flyers to attract customers.
  • Quality and Trust Issues: Search engines often lower rankings for websites they consider less trustworthy or relevant. It’s like a quality control issue where you need to improve your products or services to get back in good standing.
  • Brand Image Problems: If your site’s ranking falls, some people might think your brand is less credible or important. It’s like your store losing its reputation in the eyes of potential customers.
  • Financial Impact: If search engine rankings were a big part of your business’s success, a drop can hit your finances hard. It’s like a significant drop in your store’s income.
  • Changing Strategies: You might need to rethink your long-term plans for how you use search engines. This could mean adjusting what keywords you target, changing your content strategy, or improving your website’s technical aspects.
  • Resource Shift: You may need to move your time and money towards fixing the ranking issue, like doing website audits, creating better content, or improving how your website works.
  • Continuous Monitoring: It’s crucial to keep an eye on your rankings and website performance. Plus, you’ll need to explain what you’re doing to fix things to your bosses or team members.

In short, when your search engine rankings drop and they’re essential for your business, it’s like losing foot traffic to your store. Marketing managers have to work hard to recover and adapt to keep their business thriving online.

So, Spam links pose significant challenges for marketing managers and the SEO team. A drop in search engine rankings can lead to reduced website visitors, tougher competition, decreased sales and conversions, increased ad spending, quality and trust issues, brand image problems, financial impact, the need to change strategies, resource shifts, and continuous monitoring. SEO managers must navigate these challenges to recover and ensure the success of their businesses in the online landscape. As we said in OWDT as the marketing and web design company we look after the spam links for ourselves, furthermore, Creating spam links for our competitors is far from our culture.

Take Action

Learn more about our marketing services and options available to you, or contact our specialists to discuss how we can realize your vision.

We can help manage your Spam link attacks

How do you ensure that our team remains committed to ethical SEO practices despite facing challenges like spam link attacks?

Ensuring that your team remains committed to ethical SEO practices, especially in the face of challenges like spam link attacks, requires a combination of proactive measures and a strong ethical culture within the organization. Here are some strategies to foster and maintain a commitment to ethical SEO practices:

  1. Education and Training: Provide comprehensive training and ongoing education to your team members about the importance of ethical SEO practices, the risks associated with black hat tactics, and the impact of spam link attacks on website credibility and rankings. Empower them with the knowledge and resources to make informed decisions and identify potential ethical dilemmas.
  2. Clear Guidelines and Policies: Establish clear guidelines and policies outlining acceptable SEO practices and code of conduct within your organization. Clearly communicate the consequences of violating ethical standards and encourage transparency and accountability among team members.
  3. Lead by Example: Demonstrate a commitment to ethical SEO practices at all levels of the organization, from leadership to individual team members. Set a positive example by prioritizing quality over quantity, fostering transparency in SEO strategies, and consistently adhering to industry best practices.
  4. Regular Monitoring and Oversight: Implement robust monitoring and oversight mechanisms to detect any deviations from ethical SEO practices promptly. Conduct regular audits of SEO activities, backlink profiles, and website performance to identify any potential red flags or suspicious behavior.
  5. Encourage Ethical Decision-Making: Create a supportive environment that encourages open communication and ethical decision-making. Encourage team members to voice concerns or raise questions about SEO tactics that may seem unethical or questionable. Foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork where ethical considerations are prioritized.
  6. Incentivize Ethical Behavior: Recognize and reward team members who consistently demonstrate a commitment to ethical SEO practices. Provide incentives, bonuses, or recognition for adherence to ethical guidelines and positive contributions to maintaining website integrity and reputation.
  7. Stay Abreast of Industry Changes: Stay informed about the latest developments in SEO ethics, search engine algorithms, and industry regulations. Encourage continuous learning and professional development among team members to adapt to evolving ethical standards and practices.
  8. Establish Partnerships and Alliances: Build partnerships and alliances with reputable organizations, industry associations, and ethical SEO practitioners who share similar values and commitment to ethical practices. Collaborate with external experts and consultants to gain insights and guidance on maintaining ethical standards in SEO. Additionally, consider hiring an agency that specializes in ethical SEO practices, as their expertise and experience can save time and money over DIY website building. By partnering with trusted professionals, businesses can access valuable resources, stay updated on industry trends, and ensure compliance with ethical guidelines while maximizing the effectiveness of their SEO efforts.

OWDT, as a professional web design company and digital marketing agency, can play a significant role in helping businesses address the challenges associated with a drop in search engine ranking. Our team of experts specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing strategies, which can be instrumental in recovering lost rankings. We conduct comprehensive SEO audits to identify the root causes of ranking drops and formulate tailored strategies to improve website content, user experience, and technical aspects. Our content creation and optimization services can enhance website relevance and quality, aligning it with search engine algorithms. Additionally, we offer link-building and backlink analysis to bolster website authority. With a focus on data-driven insights and transparent reporting, we empower marketing managers to make informed decisions and track progress effectively. OWDT’s holistic approach to digital marketing ensures that businesses regain their search engine rankings, enhance online visibility, and achieve sustainable long-term growth.