Safer Satisfaction – Engineering User-Centric, Post-Pandemic Cyber Safety


Kyle Mani

Chief Creative Officer

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With virtually everyone online in the posts-COVID environment, there is greater fear of data breaches, phishing attacks, and ransomware threats. However, according to Kyle Mani, CCO of OWDT, 88% of data breaches can be traced to human error. Therefore, developers need to prioritize preventing such breaches, to begin with. That said, there is no reason for the ease of access and navigation to come at the expense of a secure user experience.

Developers need to move beyond the assumption that the greater the amount of data collected, the better.

A more minimalist approach is now clearly the way to go. The more data collected, the greater the risk of data breaches. And users have shown a heightened preference not to share personal information when online. Case in point–research confirms that when users encounter a contact form, every additional entry field accounts for an incredible 25% decrease in conversion rate.

Making Two-Factor authentication less painful: Users will feel much more secure if their account-related and financial information is behind a wall of two-step authentication. This is made more user friendly when identification proofing is integrated with initial logins

Rigorous-step CAPTCHAs can ruin the user experience. Finally, multi-step CAPTCHA security is increasingly obsolete. Minimizing the information ask, employing two-factor, bio-enabled authentication, and using TSL or SSL certificates in place of multi-step CAPTCHAs—are steps development teams can take to update and further protect the post-pandemic user experience.

Here’s a link to the complete article on TechBullion