Improving your search engine optimization (SEO)


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SEO dramatically increase your website’s hits

What is SEO and why is it important?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the process of increasing the number of your website’s visits from (non-paid) search result pages (SERPs) and promoting user interaction. OWDT‘s SEO specialists target search results from relevant listings, images, videos, industry-specific online activity and other sources to increase your website’s visibility.

SEO Is the key to successful digital marketing

Having a website with beautiful design, solid content, and seamless navigation is the foundation of your digital marketing. However, without SEO, there’s no assurance that customers will ever visit your site, let alone buy your products or services. Creating a high-quality website that expands your customer base is much like building a skyscraper. You first have to dig deep into the bedrock to establish a solid foundation. — OWDT’s SEO services create a resilient foundation for your website.

OWDT continually integrates new SEO methods with those that have stood the test of time. We help increase ‘organic search’ engine results that are natural, algorithmic, and unpaid. We also offer Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to target reputable paid listings, as with Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising.

The magic of SEO is made possible by software that–

  •  -Tracks, logs, and creates backlinks to other sites;
  •  -Finds and eliminates broken links and duplicate content to streamline your content   while making it more visible to search engines;
  •  -Provides keyword research, management, and applications;
  •  -Reveals and assesses your competitors’ backlinks, keywords, and other comparative   metrics; and
  •  -Generates regular, comprehensive reports on all your SEO data.

But before selecting an SEO company, you should know that–

  • First page search results ranking can’t be achieved overnight. Never do business with a company promising to do so. It takes many hours of work (typically spanning three to six months) before your website is listed on the first page of Google and other search engines. Watch out for SPAM, negative seo or black hat techniques, SEO agencies that promise quick results may practice these methods.
  • The biggest challenge in optimizing organic SEO results is adapting to constantly changing secret search engine algorithms. To break that barrier, we utilize sophisticated feedback loops to fine-tune your website’s links and search terms.
  • OWDT’s SEO specialists carefully tailor their work to your specific needs. For example, if you are a product/service-based company, we apply SEO techniques to increase visits that generate higher conversion rates (increased sales revenue). By contrast, if you’re a non-profit organization or public relations company, we focus on optimizing your website traffic (clicks and time spent per visit) to expand your community outreach.

Low tech seo strategies you can initiate

For a quick diagnostic of whether you’re taking advantage of strategies that can increase your website’s SEO, answer the following–

  • Have you established accounts on big name social media sites?

    Posting regularly on Twitter and Facebook can dramatically increase your search engine rankings.

  • Are you using specific interest social media your customers are likely to visit?

    If you run a design company, for example, you can post your high-quality photos on Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Flickr. If you’re a service-oriented business, consider using Curious and Quora to build your reputation as a subject matter expert.

  • Have you taken advantage of marketing content aggregator sites like Uberflip, Stackla, or Shuttlerock?

    These services offer great efficiency and convenience in disseminating your marketing information across platforms.

  • Have you considered ‘SEO rewriting’ your old content?

    Re-visit your present content to evaluate its quality, or better still, take advantage of OWDT’s Content Development services. Your revision process can also include updating image attributes (e.g., tags), changing keyword density, and adding links to your website.

  • Are you regularly posting updates about your company and its product/service improvements?

    Publishing columns in industry journals/blogs and speaking at conferences, all contribute to your SEO.

  • Are you being careful to avoid posting what users may perceive as spam?

    Avoid posting canned marketing content. Instead, be an active, contributing member of your social media sites.

  • Have you avoided the failed strategy of ‘stuffing’ keywords throughout your website?

    Your content should flow beautifully. Always write in a friendly, conversational style.

  • Have you reached out to bloggers to promote your content?
    There are an incredible amount of bloggers out there in your niche who would love to publish your quality content. Try connecting with some bloggers to build links to your articles, or try a blog service.
  • Have you posted marketing videos that link back to your website?

    You will be amazed at how easy it to post and backlink business videos that can dramatically increase your website’s hits.